Saturday, March 22, 2008

Expedite Distribution

Expedite Distribution is a company located in Orlando Fl. They are a beverage distributing company that I have gotten the opportunity to work for this semester. As a beverage distributor they have the proper licensing that allows us to sell and distribute their products to bars, stores and events.
In this blog I just was going to go over what I do for them as well as explain the products they distribute.
Expedite Distribution distributes multiple products, but there main one is Baluarte Tequila. They actually brings in this product from Mexico City and have the rights to it in the United States. Other products we distribute are Suck and Blow Jello Shots, Zeus Juice, Hype Energy Drinks and Syn Vodka.
All of these products have their own outside marketing team. As an employee at Expedite Distribution, I am part of the marketing team for Baluarte Tequila. I help with the websites, design the promotion event ads, promote at events and sell the product to bars and stores.
I am thoroughly enjoying my job as well as learning a lot about this industry. In the next few blogs I will go into detail about some of our products and events.

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